Sculptra in Nashville

Offices Also in Brentwood, Franklin, & Mount Juliet


Sculptra provides a more gradual, softer rejuvenation over time and can last up to two years. It is FDA approved to correct mild to moderate facial wrinkles and folds to correct the nasolabial area. It is also commonly used to treat other areas that have lost fullness with aging by stimulating the skin to produce its own natural collagen.

How Sculptra Works

Sculptra is a biocompatible, biodegradable synthetic material made from poly-L-lactic acid which has been used by surgeons for decades. A typical treatment consists of two to three sessions over the period of a few months.


Within the deep dermis, your skin’s structure is reinforced as Sculptra Aesthetic helps to replace lost collagen. This reinforced collagen structure provides a foundation that gradually restores the look of fullness of your shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds that have been depleted over time. Sculptra can be used in the temple area, the jawline, chin, midface and nasolabial fold area.

On average, 3 treatment sessions are needed usually 6 weeks apart. 1-2 vials of Sculptra may be used with each treatment session.


  • Replaces lost collagen in the area of treatment It can gradually give you a more youthful looking appearance without making you look like you’ve had work done
  • Offers long-lasting results that can last up to two years
  • Does not contain human, animal, or bacterial components; Does not require allergy testing prior to treatment
  • Does not involve lasers or incisions
  • Is absorbed naturally by the body

See how Sculptra is different from the others

Sculptra Before & Afters

Sculptra Patient Before Photo Nashville
Sculptra Patient After Photo Nashville

Results May Vary

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