
Is Liposuction on your to do List?

Published on October 30, 2016

If you are searching for ways to maximize your body contours, liposuction is a procedure worth considering. The methods that are used to reduce fat today are gentler and more efficient than what was available just a few decades ago. Still, liposuction is a surgical procedure. Therefore, before jumping in feet first, or thighs first, […]

Men and women often turn to liposuction to remove stubborn fat cells that stick around no matter how healthy they live. Recent studies suggest that there is a risk for the formation of visceral fat after this body-shaping procedure. We do not believe that this means liposuction is not a suitable solution for eliminating unwanted […]

Air Travel After Liposuction

Published on May 30, 2015

Medical tourism has soared in popularity over the past decade. The increasing demand for services in certain medical niches such as cosmetic surgery, cardiac surgery, and fertility programs can be attributed to the introduction of advanced technologies, surgeon reputations, affordable costs, and unavailability of the procedure in the traveler’s home country. Air travel is one […]