If you are searching for ways to maximize your body contours, liposuction is a procedure worth considering. The methods that are used to reduce fat today are gentler and more efficient than what was available just a few decades ago. Still, liposuction is a surgical procedure. Therefore, before jumping in feet first, or thighs first, […]
Archive for October 2016
Aging may not be something that you worry much about. It happens to all of us. But looking older thanks to lines and wrinkles on the forehead? This could be when you take notice and decide that aging is something you want more control over. Worry lines and furrowed brows are two common problems that […]
Raise your hand if you are overwhelmed at an esthetician’s office as she/ he lays out all the different options of skin care products you need. Are you confused what purpose they serve but you are only left to take the word of the supposed “expert”? Maybe the esthetician is saying words like “retinoid” or […]
What comes to mind when you hear “Botox” or “Facial Fillers”? If you have undergone any of these treatments, you probably associate these words with beauty, improvement, or confidence. However, many of you keep quiet, concerned about the impression it gives those around you. Why is this the case? What causes the negative stereotype around […]